Monday, 19 April 2010

Some things in life are universal,

Some things in life are universal, you can see them in many places, for example the last hundred yards of my walk home tonight yielded,  the mad old lady on a balcony yelling at her cat, the teenagers sitting in the children's play area smoking and drinking in the dark. The fat lazy cop smoking a cigarette outside his booth outside an embassy, the badly parked car meaning the poor  limping pedestrian has to walk in the road the hedgehog scaveging for food and  the idiot doing the iPhone dance. If you haven't got an iPhone you may
not know this ritual, you see the screen changes whichever way you  hold it, so the picture is either displayed vertically or horizontally depending on how you hold your phone. The thing is the iPhone likes to play tricks so if you hold it upright the screen displays horizontal but as soon as you move it the screen moves too. MAking you do a little dance with your phone trying to make the position and the screen comply.

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